2015 GFL
2015 was another competitive season for the German Football League.  In the North, it was the New Yorker Lions (11-1-0) finishing only one game over the Dresden Monarchs (10-2-0) and two games over the Kiel Hurricanes (9-3-0), despite a sparkling 11-1-0 record.  In the South, it was the Schwabisch Unicorns (13-1-0) also finishing a mere one game over the second-place Allgau Comets (12-2-0), making a very formidable top 4 teams.  The top four teams in each division would qualify for the playoffs.  This would also include the Hamburg Huskies (5-7-0), the Stuttgart Scorpions (10-4-0), and the Saarland Hurricanes (8-6-0).  In the first round of the playoffs, it was the New Yorker Lions crushing the Saarland Hurricanes 57-14, the Allgau Comets over the Kiel Hurricanes 39-27, the Schwabisch Unicorns crusing past the Hamburg Huskies 61-13, and the Dresden Monarchs blowing out the Stuttgart Scorpions 55-14.  In the Semi-Finals, it was the Lions having no problem with the Comets 42-21, and the Unicorns in a shootout over the Monarchs 41-34, setting up the match-up for the 2015 German Bowl Championship.  The New Yorker Lions would go on to win their third concecutive German Bowl Championship by upsetting the top-seeded Schwabisch Unicorns 41-31, in front of a crowd of 12,051 fans.
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