1934 AFL
The American Football League existed in various forms and various times from 1926-1969. Sometimes the AFL would be a rival Pro Football league, and compete directly with the NFL. Such was the case in 1926, 1936-1937, 1940-1941, and 1960-1969. Other times it would be a Semi-Pro Football league, and would not compete directly with the NFL, but would be more of a farm system for the NFL Clubs. Such was the case in 1934. On the field, the season was dominated by the St. Louis Blues (7-0-1). They would win the league championship by a comfortable three games, as the closest competitor was the Memphis Tigers (5-3-2), and the Louisville Bourbons (5-3-0). The original schedule was a double-round-robin schedule in which each team would play the other five teams twice, both home and away. However, many of the teams folded before the end of the season, and many games were cancelled due to poor weather conditions. In those days, there weren't any playoff games, so the team with the highest winning percentage was crowned the champions of the AFL. As a result, the St. Louis Blues would win the 1934 AFL Championship.
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AFL 1934
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